
your ticket to
free movies
sign up now and start earning points!
Welcome to Club Cinépolis
Club Cinépolis is a loyalty program offered by Cinépolis India, where members can earn points for transactions made for movie tickets. Redeem these points for ticket purchases and get access other exciting rewards.
Experience the perks of being a member

Free Lifetime Membership

No minimum spend required

No hidden charges

Get 1 point for every ₹15 spent

Each point is equal to ₹1

Meet your favorite stars up close

Unlimited earning potential

Invite to exclusive movie screenings
How to Earn and Burn

Earn rewards while you shop!
Earn points seamlessly through transactions at the Box Office or ticket purchases on our website and app.

Accumulate reward points
The more transactions you make, the more points you will accumulate.

Redeem your rewards
Redeem CC points anytime, no min. spend or balance required. Verify via OTP on registered phone.
Still Waiting ?

Quick and Easy Online Registration
Visit our website or app and provide your phone number and email address to enroll in minutes!

In-Person Registration at our Cinemas
Simply share your phone number with our friendly Cinepolis associates at the POS counter, and you'll be registered on the spot!

Frequently Asked Questions
Terms and Conditions